EBSCO limits users to one institution. If you have used an EBSCO product from the Denver Library database, and then try to open an EBSCO eBook from the DTL, it will not open. You will need to use a different browser, or clear your cache and close your browser and start over.
Sometimes the Zotero connector extension causes error messages. Fix this by:
Publishers set limits for each title on the number of pages you can print and the amount of text you can copy and paste.
To see the number of pages you can copy or print in Denver EBSCO eBooks click on View Details. That opens the page with print, copy details.
Print and copy information in DTL EBSCO eBooks is near the bottom of the first screen.
If you do not already have Adobe Digital Editions free software, you will need to download it and register your account.
Free Adobe Digital Editions software
Download for MAC computers (22MB).
Download for Windows (8.24MB).
Download from the App Store or Google Play for devices.
Adobe Digital allows you to use a book on multiple devices and search for keywords across all chapters, and it is compatible with screen readers.
To Transfer the book to another eReader
1. After downloading a book to Adobe Digital Editions, connect your eReader to your computer using its own USB cable.
2. Adobe Digital Editions will show your eReader under "Bookshelves" on the left.
3. Click on the title of the book and drag it onto the eReader icon. To confirm the transfer, click on the eReader icon and look for the title on the device.
4. Eject your eReader by clicking on the icon in the system tray.