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Doctor of Ministry Research: Locating Essays in Multi-Author Works

Databases organized by the sections in the Literature Review for Doctor of Ministry Theses

Locating Essays in Multi-Author Works

Locating Chapters in Multi-Author Volumes in EBSCO


Atla Religion with Atla Serials PLUS in EBSCO 

Includes some full-text chapters; choose Publication Type ESSAY


Old Testament Abstracts in EBSCO 

Includes some full-text chapters; choose publication type ESSAY

Locating Chapters in Multi-Author Volumes in the Catalog

Library Catalog
Search All Resources 

Limit to books, add keyword editor kw:(editor), to subject search, and view description to see if chapters are listed with individual authors.

Locating Chapters in Multi-Author Volumes in the DTL


The Digital Theological Library 

Limit to books, add keyword editor kw:(editor), to subject search, and view description to see if chapters are listed with individual authors.