Baker's Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology 1996 edition, edited by Walter A. Elwell, published by Baker Books
Bible Gateway Free searchable online Bibles in more than 200 versions and 70 languages including audio Bibles
Bible Research Internet resources for students of Scripture
Biblical Texts in Original Languages Links to primary sources, Western Theological Seminary.
The Catholic Encyclopedia Information on historic and current interests, action, and doctrine in the Catholic faith
Holman Bible Dictionary 607 entries, easy to use
Interlinear Bible Greek and Hebrew text using either the King James or the New American Standard English Version
International Standard Bible Encyclopedia 1915 edition published by Wm. B. Eerdmans
IVP New Testament Commentary Series Made available by the generosity of InterVarsity Press
Jewish Encyclopedia Unedited full text of the 1906 Jewish Encyclopedia
Liddell/Scott - A Greek-English Lexicon In the Perseus Digital Library, Tufts University
Logos Academic Blog Discussion site for Biblical scholars
N.T. Wright Page Sermons, book reviews, interviews, articles, and more
New Testament Greek Lexicon Based on Thayer's and Smith's Bible Dictionary, and keyed to Kittle and the Theological Dictionary of the New Testament
Online Bible Concordance In
Parallel Study Bible Compare translations and versions by phrase or verse
Perseus Project Hundreds of Christian and non-Christian Greek and Latin sources including a parsing tool and dictionary to aid in translation
Reference Charts for Textual Criticism Age, text-type, and Aland category of witnesses to the text of the New Testament
Resource Page for Biblical Studies Scholarly studies of the early Christian writings and their social world
Robertson's Word Pictures of the New Testament A. T. Robertson's verse by verse word pictures from the Greek
Second Temple Synagogues Includes sources for the study of Judaism and Christianity in the Hellenistic and Roman periods, images, inscriptions, and quotations about synagogues
Strong's Concordance with Greek and Hebrew Lexicon Combines the King James Version and New American Standard Bible with Greek and Hebrew Lexicons
The Forest of Rhetoric Guide to the terms of classical and renaissance rhetoric
The Interpretation of Scripture Rare and out-of-print theology books and articles, detailed bibliographies, and links to theology websites
The Paul Page (New Perspective on Paul) Logos Academic Blog
The Use of Scripture in Early Judaism and the New Testament Includes bibliographies and tools
Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words 1940 edition with over 3,400 entries