1. Wesleyan Holiness Digital Library: institutional repository for the global Church of the Nazarene
2. The American Methodist Collection: full-text, searchable documents by Methodists about Methodism
3. First Fruits: Asbury Theological Seminary’s academic open press
1. TREN: theses, dissertations from Denver Seminary and over 135 institutions and conference papers from the Evangelical Theological Society and other academic societies
2. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global: the world's most comprehensive collection of dissertations and theses from around the world
3. American Doctoral Dissertations: open dissertations from 2002-present
4. EThOS: Doctoral research theses in open access from the UK
5. DART: European universities’ open access research theses
6. WorldCat: books and other materials in libraries worldwide; use to search for specific item or a very targeted search