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NT 512 Epistles and Revelation - Dr. Seal: Locating Journal Articles

Using Scripture Search in EBSCOhost Databases

Always use peer-reviewed articles for Denver Seminary research papers.

  1. Atla Religion, Atla Religion Plus, New Testament Abstracts, and Old Testament Abstracts are searchable by scripture book, chapter, and verse. Begin with the Advanced Search.
  2. Click on Subjects to open the dropdown.
  3. Choose Atla Scripture Search.

This opens the books of the bible in canonical order.

Click on the + sign to expand to the chapter level.

You can add a chapter to your search or open the chapter to the verse level. You can add additional search terms.

  1. After you run your search you can access titles.
  2. Or choose All Filters to further refine your results.

  1. The bookmark allows you to save items to your projects or saved folder when you create an EBSCO account and log into it.
  2. The three dots open additional options. To capture the permalink for Zotero use the Share link.

Scripture Search Video 2 min. 9 sec.

Available Filters

When you choose All Filters the Filters panel displays on the right side of the screen. Click on an arrow to expand the choices beneath each filter.

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