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Cite Your Sources: Getting Started


Have a grammar question, tricky APA/Turabian citation, or formatting issue? We are available to answer your questions! Email the Writing Center at at any time or stop in Student Center Conference Room (SCCR) 162 during tutoring hours during fall and spring semesters to ask our tutor. Our Writing Center Resources are to assist you in meeting the requirements of your papers and projects. We encourage you to have these on hand as you start your assignments.

DC Campus Writing Center Tutor / Editor, Brenda Whitelaw,


Why Cite Your Sources?
  • To show readers that you have done your research
  • To give credit to others for the work they have done
  • To provide readers the ability to check your sources if there are questions
  • To point the way for others to build on your work
What Should You Cite?
  • Anything that has been created by someone other than you that is in a fixed format, including books, articles, newspapers, photographs, music, movies, software, and things you find on the internet, including restatement of ideas and direct quotes
  • Your own work previously published or submitted for course work -- check with your professor before reusing your work
What Is Included in a Citation?
  • In the body include the source of the idea or quotation using the style formatting for one of the following
    • Turabian full-note 9th edition
    • Chicago Manual of Style full-note 17th edition
    • APA 7th edition
    • SBL Handbook of Style 2nd edition
  • After the body include Bibliography or Works Cited pages that reference all works cited in the body

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